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Meditation, and why can everyone else do it but me?



I know, there are a million and one articles on the proper way and the benefits and if you are doing it wrong. This is simply my own take on the whole thing and to hopefully give those of you struggling with this, alternatives that will work for you.


" Meditation is a practice where an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or for the mind to simply acknowledge its content without becoming identified with that content, or as an end in itself."

Pretty simple right? All your friends and people online seem to sit in this state and turn it on and off with a flip of switch. Wrong. I have not met anyone that hasn't struggled a few times to find that place. For myself when I was first introduced to the standard meditation at the age of 11, ( You know the one " relax your body from toe to head and imagine a beautiful place") I went almost straight into sleep mode.

Here is the thing I have learned about meditation. Most people are not the guru on the mountain. ( But if that works for you, Wonderful) Even those that have reached that level of peace to sit or lie there and let go will find at times things just do not settle in place. Meditation is a practice in letting go of distractions and looking inward. It can last seconds or hours. It is a coming to a peace with a thought or idea within ourselves, for ourselves.

I think pretty much all of us naturally meditate without even realizing it. Think about those times you catch yourself staring out a window looking out at the view as you think about whatever issue is before you. Then you take that deep breath as you come back and blink a few times or shake your head. Do you critize yourself for wandering? You shouldn't. You are putting yourself in a state of consiousness in order to structure your thoughts and ideas by disengaging from the distractions about you. Do you sing to the radio when you think no one is around, getting those happy images into your brain while you do so? Aren't you always embarassed when you turn around to find someone looking and smiling at you? Do you suddenly realize you have been starring at the tv set only to realize almost an hour went past and you have no idea what you have been watching? Welcome to meditation, unintentional yes, but you are there.

Exercise and walks outdoors also will take you into that place. In making our bodies busy with an action that is repetiative frees your mind to explore and release things that you no longer need or to resolve issues within the actions. I have found for myself that yoga gives me the body distraction to look inward at myself. Walking in nature pulls my mind away from the things that are weighing me down and presents me with simple things such as breathing and reminding me I am only a small part of a greater whole.

We all meditate, some consciously, some not. There is no wrong way, there is no right way, there is only your way. Meditation should leave you feeling either refreshed or reenergized. You should be at peace with both your body and your thoughts. If you ever think you are not able to, think about how you tend to zone out from the world and all its distractions, what leaves you feeling happier and lighter within yourself. This is your starting point and you can do it.

Blessings to you all



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