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Spirit Animal Messages


What a week this has been. Since just before the start of the full moon cycle and Solstice things seem to be a state of high energy that many are struggling with. It has been a time of messages for me as well as the latest challenges in my life seem to tearing things apart to start anew. Things are shaking up for us all and yet if we pause a moment, our guides will speak and share with us to help us get through.

If you know me at all, you know a lot of my gifts from from the earth, nature and animals. These things give me peace and joy when I take the time to enjoy them. I am bless to live in a beautiful agricultural area with stunning ocean views and lush green forests. Sometimes all it takes for me to feel connected is the smell of salt water on the breeze or cool shade cast from a cedar. This gives me the luxury of having closer connections to these spirits.

My first messenger recently was this lady peering in my back gate one morning as I came down to start my day. (I live close to the downtown area of my town so this is unusual) I wish I had gotten my camera faster as her eyes seemed to connect to mine and I was enthralled that such grace would bless me with a visit.

Deer have many meanings when they come to see you. Usually when I see my messengers I go with the feeling they leave me with. This lady, while striking me with her size so close struck me with her grace and the peacefulness she shared with me. A slow gentle stride and pureness of being. I found myself telling me to relax and not push so hard. Quiet grace no matter what was going on about me. Gentle nudges to those about me to move them forward upon their own paths. I felt content to just be a part of the whole.

As I read more, I have learned they are also a symbol of a new level of awareness spiritually, which resonates with the changes in my personal life. I welcome gratefully what she is bringing to me as I know it will strength me as I walk this path of my spirit.

The next visitors were a duo of ravens. As I walked into the office this morning from the parking, they started a loud cawing from a nearby rooftop. There was no ignoring them. One was covered with ruffled feathers and the other a sleek black. As I moved closer the louder then got and the sleek one seemed to be tossing something in and out of her beak. At first I thought it was food as I wished the pair a good morning. They kept cawing and I asked if they had something for me. (keep in mind with the struggles of the week I have asked for signs and messages to help me find my way through). The sleek one tossed her head and released the item. As it floated down I realized it was a feather. Even though they were 30 feet up and 20 feet away the feather drifted down and as I put out my hand it landed soft and light upon it without any effort from me to grab it. I had been gifted, so I thanked them. They cawed at me a few more times and then flew off together.

There is a dual meaning here. First the ravens if you do some research are highly intelligent creatures and in Celtic traditions are linked to being oracles, guides and bring omens. Native North American cultures think if them at as the bringers of light. Where I live the Coast Salish have their tale here but they are also known as tricksters. Personally I see them as messengers, puzzle solvers and they give me a sense of belonging and being part of a tribe.

The second part is the gift of the feather. All my research leads me to the conclusion that I am being watched over and protected. This is a message that growth and change are coming and I am not alone while I go through this and let go of what does not serve my life path. Being hand delivered to me this morning renews my faith in Spirit. There is a plan for me, there is a path I am walking and is only going to grow as time passes.

At the end of it all as I reflect and meditate on these messengers, my soul is eased. The high energy of the past week is going to pass and we will all feel renewed with the growth we are experiencing. Great things are on the horizon and Spirit will always be sending you messages, particularly if you ask for them



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