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I can't do this


I can't do this. A very self ending sentence. These words have been rattling about in my head the last few days. I know we all have said it to ourselves or another time and time again. There is nothing wrong with setting our boundaries as far as being a psychic, empath or medium. In fact for a lot of us that have awakened our gifts it is essential we make lines around ourselves for our own well being. Yet I sit here and wonder how much we cut ourselves off by thinking or uttering those words.

I have been rattling pretty hard in my mind about getting this business going and attain my goal of a shop where my passion becomes my profession. Being a reader open you up to a lot of competition when you move into a the professional aspects of it. There are so many great well known professionals out there, James Van Paagh, Doreeen Virtue, Camel Joy Baird, Teresa Cuputo Sonya Coquette: just to name a few. I do follow these people and admire the work they do, but honestly, a little out of my price range. And then there are the psychic lines, the fairs, local competition and let's not forget social media, where if you look you can find readings from free to the affordable.

Makes one think, I can't do this. Why should I? What would make me special out of all those around me. Why would anyone take the time to even look at me and make a booking? And what about the cynics? I can't do this if I get criticism or the negativity. It is almost enough to make you want to find a hole and crawl in, keeping those gifts to yourself.

But Spirit isn't going to let you.

I found having this chatter in my head, Spirit is pushing me ahead. Call it Law of Attraction if you will. I know where I want to be, and hold that hard in my thoughts and intentions. The signs are coming hard and fast. I gave my first medium reading the other day, something I have always told myself I can't do, but something a medium friend told me I was ready for and already doing unconsciously. It felt good, and while not perfect the feedback gave me a new confidence.

Then I reconnected with a lady that first encouraged me to step forward with my gifts, and while we haven't had that long chat, knowing she is there, watching me, is encouraging. And then there is one of my newer friends, following a parallel path. I could think of her as competition, and in a lot of ways she is doing better just by the vibration she exists in. But here we are talking about doing some things together that would benefit both of us in the professional aspect. It feels right and good to me.

I can't do this, as a statement, is limiting but we have to remain open to the possibility. We have to leap and try. Here I am speaking of making a go as a psychic, but I think it pertains to a lot of what we do in our every day life. Spirit is always going to be there as your cheerleader. It will give you signs and open doors. Never think you can't do something, believe, even in smallest place of your soul that anything is possible and it will be.

I can't do this. Sure you can, but maybe the path to your goal leads you the long way around. Enjoy the journey.



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