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My Favorites from Facebook Part 1 - Groups

Mary Furneaux

This time of year is often when we think about those that we love and have made a positive impression on our lives in some way. Most of us cannot afford, in the form of gifts and things, to show them how much we care for them, what a difference they made to us or just how for one moment they were the light we needed.

In this blog, I am going to give a shout out to a few of those people, and places that have given to me by giving of themselves on Facebook. I will be keeping to the smaller ones that you may not know about. This is by no means everyone that has touched me this year, and if I missed you keep watching as I tend to be a cheerleader for others. The world is a happier place when we all work together, so I am encouraging you to give a like and a share to the pages or the posts or join the groups, or dig deeper into the other social media they have and follow or subscribe.

Let’s start with groups. I am an administrator for a few of them, others I just plain enjoy being a part of as the vibe is inspirational, educational or just plain fun. To find them just enter into the search bar.

The Empathy Witches Corner (Closed Group)

I have to say this is the main place you will find me. I love this group as it not only follows the witchier (is that a word?) concepts, but has an uplifting vibe in regards to all things of a spiritual nature and the struggles people face with empathy for others. If you are looking for a place to explore different ideals and figure out what draws you, this is the place to be. There are a set of approved and tested readers, and free readings are offered. You need to watch for when readings are being done as the floor opens and closes based on the health of and time the readers can commit. The admin and the members are open and understanding. Be warned though, this is a no drama zone so you have to be flexible and open yourself to things you may not agree with.

Empower Me (Closed Group)

This group has a low membership. Not everyone that asks to join gets accepted as they have a clear idea of how they wish their groups to be. The group based on raising yourself up by introducing concepts, articles and ideals that make you think. If you are someone that doesn’t take things at face value, does your research and wishes to grow as a person with a variety of ideals then this group may be up your alley.

Guidance Across the Devide and Spiritual Guidance, Magik and More (Closed Groups)

These are UK based groups exploring spirituality and things greater then ourselves. Both groups offer free readings to members as readers are able and you will find inspirational and educations meme’s and articles. These are smaller groups, so if you are not a fan of a lot of weird things in your news feed, they might be for you.

All Things Bright & Spiritual Group (Open Group)

This is another UK group and only a few months old. You want to feel inspired and uplifted this is the one to join. They have a worldwide membership that is so positive it is incredible. You will find blogs, memes and people doing a lot of spiritual based work. Not only that, they have a Facebook Page and a monthly online newsletter that you can subscribe to. The lady behind it all does it as a labour of love and you can feel it. She is very interactive and supportive with everyone. It is worth a look.

Pagans Across Canada, Canadian Pagans, and Canadian Tarot and Oracle Card Readers. (Open Groups)

As you know I am a Canadian so it makes sense I am part of some Canadian groups. I like pagan groups mostly because I have a strong empathy to the earth, seasons and believe there is a magic within all of us. All these groups are educational in nature and can help lead you to other Canadians with similar ideals. No readings are offered here, but you will find new concepts and a level of sharing that can inspire you.

Like I said at the beginning, this isn’t all the groups I enjoy, but some of my top picks and most visited. Check them out and please let me know what groups have moved and inspired you.

Part 2 will be my Guru’s from Facebook. People that not only talk but

are walking the walk and doing the work.

Part 2 - Gurus here

Part 3 - Pages here



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